Thursday 2 September 2010

How to defeat helicopters in TBOGT Free Mode

I've been waging a free mode war against Heli Whores, Buzzard Benders, whatever you want to call them. The people who think hopping in a chopper makes them the man.

In my previous blog entries I criticised The Ballad of Gay Tony for the unbalanced weaponry and, in particular, the excessive power of the Buzzard helicopters. However, I stuck with the game and now I can spend several happy hours blasting those birds out of the sky.

There are many free mode games run with friendly fire OFF. In these games helicopters can be made about as troublesome as a gnat. You just need a few high buildings and an explosive shotgun.

The explosive shotgun is the king of weapons in TBOGT. The explosive sniper rifle is good when your target is very distant but only a minority of shots seem to hit, even when one's aiming seems to be right. The shotgun has a shorter range but it's quick-firing and you can crunch the tail off a Buzzard with just a few well-aimed shots.

There are two shotguns in TBOGT and they're very hard to tell apart. You need the one that gives you 10 rounds to begin with. The 20 round version doesn't have the power needed. Whenever you can, pick up one of these babies. If possible, hang around the respawn point until you have at least 50 rounds.

Put on body armour. Keep your health and armour topped up even when you've only lost a fraction. Fractions add up to whole numbers!

Ideally, find a place which is covered on three sides with high buildings. In Algonquin this is easy; there are hundreds of good locations. The heli is forced to fly low and come within your window of fire. Most noobs think they're immortal in a chopper, so they'll take the bait. Practice aiming and following the chopper. Aim just below the rotor blades. If the copter is side on or you have an underside view all the better; you'll have a big target and the shots will do real damage.

If you can, goad your opponent into firing rockets while the chopper is too close to the ground or a building and he'll blow himself up, surely a most humiliating experience for him. If you gauge the pilot's skill is not great, venture out of your hiding place. It will enrage him even more when he can't get you in open view.

After a few failed helicopter assaults most of these poor wretches will just leave the game.

If friendly fire is ON things are tougher. Practice, thinking, and more practice are needed. I took down a Buzzard at the airport yesterday with a pistol. The little prick went after me as soon as I spawned so I had no chance to get a good weapon. My solution was to run under one of the moving planes on the runway for cover, varying my position under the aircraft. My opponent made the mistake of getting too low and I unloaded a magazine in his skull. The bonus: you get the helicopter and the associated rocket launcher.

If strict adherence to the laws of physics or gaming ettiquete aren't required there is a peach of a glitch at the airport. The glass building which contains the stairway to the railway station is almost invulnerable to helicopter attack - but YOU CAN SHOOT OUT THROUGH THE GLASS! I couldn't believe it when I discovered this. If auto aim is ON select the assault rifle and if the pilot gets too close you can shoot him through the windows. ANYTHING will go through those windows: rockets, sticky bombs, sniper shots. Once you get used to looking through the darkened glass you'll wreck those whirlybirds.

I am looking for rooftops that can be used as vantage points for attacking helicopters. The requirements are thus: Higher buildings on at least one side - behind you. Sloping roof in front of you. This forms a protective ledge, shielding you from rockets. You run up and take a shot, then duck back down.

In summary, you should use psychology against Heli Whores... use their overconfidence to bring them close enough to attack and to force them into making mistakes. This will demoralise them.

I'm hoping that if enough of us learn how to repel these idiots that the phenomenon of the Heli Whore will diminish, if not disappear.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Thank you for your tips in eliminating the helicopters at TBOGT. Everytime I go free mode I always encounter some player just jumping into a helicopter and eliminating everyone. It is really annoying although I got some of them down what they will do is to just get a health pack and they attack again. It is just not fair to all the players on the ground instead of enjoying the game everyone just gets annoyed.
